running Big Blue Button video conferencing service is a new cooperative preparing to offer an ethical replacement for Zoom et al, based on Big Blue Button. I’ve had good interactions with some of the folks involved (eg in the Open App Ecosystem group on Loomio) and in-person (eg at Open 2018 in London). I was wondering if it would be technically possible to run a kiwi branch of this, hosted on CatalystCloud (or another onshore host). So I reached out by email.

I’ve received a number of emails back from folks, including Chris from WebArchitects in the UK, Benedict from Hypha in Canada, and Wouter from the CommonsCloud group. In response to my suggestions, Chris wrote up some ideas about running a unified BBB service with geo-specific back-ends:

I’d love to bring the folks helping with into the tech side of the discussions. A Discourse forum has been created so the discussions don’t become a tangle of cross-threaded emails. Seems like registrations are open to all. If you have any trouble getting registered, let me know, and I’ll hit up the Chris from WebArchitects, who was the admin that invited me to the forum.

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